Friday, September 23, 2011

Submersion:  A work in progress in the on-going series of the Family Tree.  This one is more or less a state of mind, my own.  Percolating in the soil, growing, emerging, hiding.  I am pretty much a hermit due to circumstances beyond my control, but more or less have formed my art at present.  You spend a lot of time alone when you create, it is good to know thyself, be content with who you are, and what you are becoming.  If it means sprouting a tree from your head, well, so be it, let it grow, bear fruit, seed and be pruned. (this is where God comes into the scene, pruning is best left up to the Big Guy, he knows what your best features are, and the best way to show the talents we have been gifted.  Besides, who wants to go around with a unruly tree on their head?)

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