Friday, September 23, 2011

Botanical Imaginings:  A little ditty from my current sketch book.  She is a smaller and more shallow version of 'Submersion'.  In this scenario, the submerged self is less incumbered by deep roots or ties to the soil.  She is free to go about other gardens, check out new digs.  Her motto might be "what family tree?"

Alice in Blue:  I was intrigued with the color Alice Blue, and the gown everyone was singing about, "Alice Blue Gown" way back when.  It was the seed for this growth of independence in sketch.  Here, the character is in flight, part bird, part flower.  Again, no roots, she is away from the family tree that day.  But I notice she is quite bogged-down by her luggage of multiple eggs/seeds.  Maybe she will plant them in new gardens along the way.

What Big Eye-lids!   This is a tree sprite. She is part of the family tree that hasn't materialized as yet.  She is future growth and potential.  Trees have always been symbolically female when described in the mythological landscape.  They bear female attributes.  I think she has a maternal instinct with good intentions. She will probably bake some cookies and care for the seedlings.    


This a Garden Dragon,  He is one of many dragon sketches I've drawn.  Dragons are symbolically guardians of treasure.  In this case, he is sleeping on the job!  He's been asleep so long that the garden has grown over top of him.  But, that's OK, there is no alarm.  In this garden, my family tree grows, and the jewels are safe.  He is more like a guardian angel, he's friendly.

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