Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Marsh Dragon of the Chesapeake ( a color sketch)
This is one of my husband's favorites.  He 'claims' that if he weren't so afraid of needles, this dragon would grace his body in the form of a tattoo.  He thinks I'm kinda kooky, because everything I draw has a story, or rather, a scenario and this little guy is no different.  Scenario:  This is a marsh dragon, they are small, like a squirrel.  Their flames have a magical quality.  Where ever they blow their flames, a new plant begins to grow in its ashes.  This only happens in marshes, otherwise there would be the problem of uncontrollable wildfires.  Marshes surround the Chesapeake Bay area where we live, I could of sworn I saw one of these little marsh dragons, they are quick and elusive and their services help in keeping the Bay healthy and full of blue crabs, because they like to eat them too;)

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