Sunday, September 25, 2011

 Adventures in Making Mosaics
I made this last year around Easter.  So, not intending
to do so, I made an Easter Egg Tree.  Really, they are birds, not eggs.  Just birds, with really big faces and little stick legs.  This was a labor of love.  It was all trial and error that happened to turn out OK, kinda like life.  There are no traditional mosaic materials in this piece, which by the way, is titled "The Easter Egg Bird Tree".  The sky is made of hand-cut polymer clay tiles. The 'birds' are initially ink-jet prints of various paintings made by a technique too Involved even for me to describe.  And the tree is made with fabric paint on felt and candy foil covered in thick gel medium.  I ate a lot of chocolates in the making of this piece. The grout was black polymer, squished into and between the spaces, then heat-set with an hot air crafting tool that surprisingly worked! When it was all said and done, my mother instantly fell in love with it, and it hangs with pride in the home of my parents.  It is in good company, their home is essentially a gallery of items made by myself or my sister and various family members over the years.  How could I not give this labor of love to my mother, she labored in love to bring me into this world:) Thanks MOM!

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