Thursday, September 29, 2011

Garden of Love, Where LOVE is blind
Not only dragons in these family gardens!  Here are some big-headed love birds, they need the protection of the Garden Dragons, especially when in love...they are less able to see danger in the "love" state of mind...  There is a Love Dragon hiding in here somewhere, but did not wish to be included in this image.  I'll get the Love Dragon's portrait soon, they can be elusive and so shy sometimes!  This image was one of my attempts at adobe illustrator,  I enjoy using technology, but my first love is with traditional materials.  My training as an artist took place in the 80's, we used traditional art materials back then!!!   I do have my eye on some new technology, the Cintiq series, but it is costly.  It is on my wishlist:) These Love Birds could care less how their image came to be, love is blind.

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