Thursday, September 29, 2011

Garden of Love, Where LOVE is blind
Not only dragons in these family gardens!  Here are some big-headed love birds, they need the protection of the Garden Dragons, especially when in love...they are less able to see danger in the "love" state of mind...  There is a Love Dragon hiding in here somewhere, but did not wish to be included in this image.  I'll get the Love Dragon's portrait soon, they can be elusive and so shy sometimes!  This image was one of my attempts at adobe illustrator,  I enjoy using technology, but my first love is with traditional materials.  My training as an artist took place in the 80's, we used traditional art materials back then!!!   I do have my eye on some new technology, the Cintiq series, but it is costly.  It is on my wishlist:) These Love Birds could care less how their image came to be, love is blind.
Remember My Family Tree?
This is the original color sketch of the painting 'The Family Tree'.  Ripe fruits for the picking!  No worries when you have the Garden-Variety Dragons protecting us! 
Garden-Variety Dragon
This garden dragon, land variety, allowed me to paint her portrait! (I'll post later) This land species are like chameleons, they change their colors to suit their surroundings and their moods!  She's picky, like most of them.  I was pleasantly surprised when she asked about painting her portrait also!  This one's been roaming the land for centuries.  The older garden dragons will grow a single horn or antlers to add to their defenses.  Most garden-variety dragons are born with the ability to produce flames with laser-like precision, even under water.
A Water Dragon!
These dragons are generally sweet-natured. The underwater gardens they guard and dwell in are simply divine.  The flowers include some of the most bizarre blooms you  will ever set your eyes upon.  This particular Water Garden Dragon lives in the Chesapeake Bay.  And, in addition to protecting the beautiful blossoms in her garden, she fiercely guards the delectable blue crab eggs.  She ensures that their nests are undisturbed.  This is a special variety of the garden dragons, they have developed a  partnership with the female crabs to protect the babies. (more on these sweeties later) 

Dragon in Flight
This pretty in pink dragon insisted her portrait be depicted 'in flight'.  This makes sense because the gardens she protects are mysteriously shrouded in the skies, they are cloud gardens.  Few people ever get to spot one of these shrouded beauties or the gardens they defend, but if you do happen to see one, consider yourself blessed.  They are deviously clever and prefer to go unnoticed, I was lucky she let me sketch her.  I really have to get in this Sky Garden Dragon's good graces to actually paint her AND her gardens. (fingers crossed)
Here Be Dragons
I love to sketch dragons.  My dragons aren't exactly the fearsome kind, they are mostly the gentle garden-variety dragons.  They guard treasures, and they are mythical like their predecessors. The treasures they guard are the treasures and mystical gardens of the mind.  Dragons of the garden-variety are picky.  When I paint or draw one of the garden dragons I know, it better be just so....or it might just go up in flames...

For those of you who have visited, you have met Winnie!  She is our snarky little yorkie-poo(dle).  Winnie is more poo, than yorkie.  Her coat is champagne, or cream in coloration and her ears fold down like that of a poodle rather than point upwards like a yorkie.  She is spunky and demanding.  Winnie likes to be a part of everything.  And so it would be natural to include her in my portfolio:)  This is a painting for my husband, Larry.  His birthday is fast approaching...and he is always asking me to paint our pup, Winnie!  Due to health-related issues, we were not blessed with children, however, we have been blessed with the company of Winnie.  And believe me when I tell you, she is in every way, a part of the family.  She is the inspiration for many of my onerous and mischievous characters I paint and draw.  We love her dearly, and she deserves a painting.  Here is the pre-painting sketch.  I'll post the painting when complete.  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I really can not wait to start on this little cutie-pie.  I think I am moving her near the top of the list!!!  The thing I love about sketches is the energy, it's so frustrating to work on a painting and somehow leave the energy of the original sketch behind.  I will make sure not to allow that to happen with this sketch-to-painting transformation!
A New Submergency?
Just like an artist, we are never happy are we?  But, there is always room to improve on a theme.  I've done it before and I will do so in the future.  There is nothing wrong with re-doing the a theme, isn't that what series are for?  I like it, this one has a sprite-like quality to it. Sketch, sketch, sketch...
New Ideas are in Bloom
More family tree paintings are in bloom, we will see how this turns out.  I like adding lots of patterning and line work.  I sometimes go a bit crazy with it, but it makes me HAPPY:)
Newest Additions
This is one of my latest sketches, where ideas are born into paintings. We will see what comes of this little ditty.  I like it, I think I will develop this one.
She Hoo Is
She Hoo Is, is an older painting.  I painted this about ten years ago.  She Hoo Is is one of the earlier version of an girl-faced owl that I would paint or draw again and again over the years.  She is always alone and in the trees, engaging the viewer, straight on.  There is little that gets past this one, she's always on the watch. Look out!
Flight of Fancy
This is a sketch from my current sketchbook.  You will see lots of fanciful and imagined fauna with my flora.  Birds fascinate the imagination, both realistically and symbolically.  Birds are one of those creatures can appear angelic and mechanical at the same time.  They are created with such precision, each feather has a purpose, every color, or movement has a meaning ( for another one of it's kind ) and their flight is masterful.  Humankind has been copying the bird for purposes of flight, mythology and religion has many uses for the symbol of the bird.  The bird is a valued, graceful, balanced, accomplished, practical and resourceful little critters.  I know this color sketch is partially complete, but I fully intend upon completing this scenario one day.  This little blue bird is at rest for now.
The Marsh Dragon of the Chesapeake ( a color sketch)
This is one of my husband's favorites.  He 'claims' that if he weren't so afraid of needles, this dragon would grace his body in the form of a tattoo.  He thinks I'm kinda kooky, because everything I draw has a story, or rather, a scenario and this little guy is no different.  Scenario:  This is a marsh dragon, they are small, like a squirrel.  Their flames have a magical quality.  Where ever they blow their flames, a new plant begins to grow in its ashes.  This only happens in marshes, otherwise there would be the problem of uncontrollable wildfires.  Marshes surround the Chesapeake Bay area where we live, I could of sworn I saw one of these little marsh dragons, they are quick and elusive and their services help in keeping the Bay healthy and full of blue crabs, because they like to eat them too;)

 Adventures in Making Mosaics
I made this last year around Easter.  So, not intending
to do so, I made an Easter Egg Tree.  Really, they are birds, not eggs.  Just birds, with really big faces and little stick legs.  This was a labor of love.  It was all trial and error that happened to turn out OK, kinda like life.  There are no traditional mosaic materials in this piece, which by the way, is titled "The Easter Egg Bird Tree".  The sky is made of hand-cut polymer clay tiles. The 'birds' are initially ink-jet prints of various paintings made by a technique too Involved even for me to describe.  And the tree is made with fabric paint on felt and candy foil covered in thick gel medium.  I ate a lot of chocolates in the making of this piece. The grout was black polymer, squished into and between the spaces, then heat-set with an hot air crafting tool that surprisingly worked! When it was all said and done, my mother instantly fell in love with it, and it hangs with pride in the home of my parents.  It is in good company, their home is essentially a gallery of items made by myself or my sister and various family members over the years.  How could I not give this labor of love to my mother, she labored in love to bring me into this world:) Thanks MOM!

A Garden Nymph:
Here is a recent painting of a garden nymph.  There are truly some flowers and blooms that exist in our world that are extraordinary and exquisite.  When I see something of that nature, I can't help but sense the soul of that creation.  Something of an aura surrounds that beauty, and this painting is my interpretation of that unearthly presence.  This is a poor reproduction of the original painting.  This is painted on super smooth sanded maple board, the background in painted in a satin finished antique gold and the image is light and dark variations of one color, a very, very light pale lemon yellow.  It has a three dimensional quality and is very tactile.  There is a shiny, thick medium placed over the pale lemon.  It is like a painting the blind could feel.  I really find it hard to restrict my use of color, but I was quite happy with the results of that self-imposed restriction.  I have had many compliments on this particular painting.  I will have to get a better image, and post later.  This is one of those paintings I find difficult to discuss in terms of content.  It is part visual poem and part prayer, it is like a tribute to William Blake.
 Sketch for Angel in Blue:
One of my favorite fairy tales is written by Hans Christian Anderson, Thumbelina.  This and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll have simply flooded my mind with images of imaginary gardens with flowers that exist in imagination alone.  It has been an endless wellspring of page after page in my sketchbooks, paintings,  and sculptures.  In this case, it is an angel in blue that emerges from a flower in a woodland garden space.  Angels have many duties, they are guardians, messengers, comforters, etc..  In this case, the angel in blue protects and guards this small garden, to ensure that it continues to blossom and bring beauty in a sometimes confusing and scary world.  She is a messenger of love through the fragile beauty of a simple blossom.   Sometimes, that's all we need to move forward.
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The end result of the The Angel in Blue:
I painted her on a smooth, sanded piece of: maple.  Angels are in prayer, always.  Prayer is not only words, they are any form of communication.  I have painted a lot of prayers over the years.                                 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Color Sketch for Desert Bloom
I love sharpies, more recently, I've been using Copic markers, but I still secretly desire the simplicity of the sharpie marker.  They are cheap, accessible and permanent, how can you go wrong?  In this sketch, I made her in a wooded setting, and she is more or less a wood nymph petrified, encased in wood.  But NOT a coffin, God forbid!  She's still alive, just a little afraid to move at the moment.  Think of it like a cocoon, she will emerge a beautiful version, a mere shadow of her former self.  She will be glorious and transformed!
Desert Night Bloom or Dark Night of the Soul?  This is from my current sketchbook.  I sometimes don't process art for a long time after creating it.  This is one of my attempts at Illustrator, I'll post the sketch next.   The family tree can be a faulty tree, as demonstrated by my own flawed health.  Our battles, both physical and emotional are ones we essentially fight alone.  The beauty is, we grow and get stronger.  If a plant, dependent upon water to grow, can grow in a desert and even bloom, then so can we.  Sick or not, we are genetically coded to survive, like the desert night bloom;)                                                                             

A Compilation of Eyes....yes, the eyes are the window to the soul.  And I do love to draw and paint eyes!!!  My husband has lovingly dubbed my art "BIG EYE - little eye"  because most of the time, the eyes are different sizes;)  I've never given this much thought.  Maybe it's a result of being symmetrically-challenged, aren't we all a bit off?  The eyes have it.                                                                                              
It Takes a Forest....Well, despite our efforts of individuation and independence throughout our youth and early adulthood, we are ever so connected.  It's is nice to find the comfort in the familiarity of heritage in the family tree.  This is a sibling portrait of sorts.  The saplings have grown and started their own little forests, we will always be connected.