Thursday, December 29, 2011

An Elephant Water Sprite

Here's a rare glimpse into the world of the Elephant-styled water sprite.  This one lives within a waterfall and likes to mimic the body of water in which it lives.  This water sprite protects the underwater plantlife and aquatic creatures that live within the waterfall and the lagoon in which the waterfall splashes into.  On occasion, the water sprite will come across a human encountering it's domain.  If you cause any harm to it's domain, it will haunt the intruder until the danger retreats.  If you visit with no harmful intentions, you will benefit greatly from this encounter, sometimes healed of your afflictions as a form of thanksgiving from the sprite, which in reality is an angel, guardian of nature of its choice, some choose, forests, trees, gardens, etc..  They have been known to take up residence in cities and churches or church meditation gardens (they like the statues).  They are invisible unless they choose to show themselves to you, in your imagination, like the one above.

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