Thursday, December 29, 2011

Crown Jewels: A Rare Botanical Delight

This little gem is called  the Crown Jewels, it is also a microscopic organism that is nomadic in nature.  The Crown Jewels sort of migrate and take in the sights of the most beautiful blossoms and specimens of the plant kingdom, they might be small, but Crown Jewels are magnificent little creatures and considered royalty within the nano-culture.  They thrive best in botanical gardens, where other rare and beautiful specimens live together and treated like the treasures they are.  Crown Jewels are like visiting celebrities and live like rock stars, all are different, they pick up traits from the plants and gardens they live and migrate among.  No two Crown Jewels are alike and migratory patterns vary from individual to individual Crown Jewel. Their choice of travel is dependent of a variety hosts, such as gardeners, care-givers, birds, worms, etc.. They will piggy-back just about any viable transportation to their next destination, where they will be warmly invited to the next plant with a celebration of blooms upon their arrival, like I said, rock stars!

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