Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some New Stuff

I have been terribly neglectful of my blog, busy, no other excuse!  But I've not stopped working on art, not for anything!!!  Here's a little three-dimensional fiber piece I recently completed.  It is a combination of mixed media.  I am being a bit obsessive in the sewing/embroidery catergory.  This little guy isn't sure which catergory to which she belongs, part flora, part fauna and part sea creature.  She carries hope for the future in the seeds she carries, as do we all;)  I will do my best to post more, promise!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Botanical Showgirls, revisited

I would appear I have compulsions other than drawing obsessively.  So, here are 2 versions of the beauties in altered states of being.  For the story on the showgirls, check the entries from December 29, 2011. 
showgirl version 1showgirl version 2

Elephant Grove in multiples

I really love to shift the hues and try different filters on existing work.  It beats painting all the versions.  It gives me ideas for color use that I might not think of using and challenges my palette for future paintings.  I liked all for different reasons, and I could not choose a favorite, so here are all the options.  For the story of the Elephant Tree Grove, check my out entries from December 29, 2011.
elephant grove shift 1elephant grove shift 2

elephant grove shift 3elephant grove shift poster 1

Good Day, Limeshine

Here’s an altered kneeci bitt for you, different day, different sun. Today was a limeshine day.  There’s no telling what tomorrow will bring, for full story check December 29, 2011 blog entries.
good day Limeshine

Monday, January 2, 2012

A very, very Berry Spore, revisited

Well, I was playing around with my graphic software and decided to enhance another one of my drawings ( I didn’t feel like dragging the paints out)  I think it makes for a happier spore, and thus, happier berries to be born.  No sour puss here, just a very merry berry spore looking to sweeten someone’s life, enjoy.
berry christmas

flora-fauna orchid

kneeci bitts flora
Happy New Year!  I am looking forward to the new year and I hope everyone has a a fruitful year full of surprises! 
This microscopic orchid, like some orchids, anchors itself in the upper reaches of the canopies of tall, sturdy objects.  In the case of full-size orchids of this nature, they would choose an optimal spot on a tree where they would catch the right mixture of moisture and nutrients.  The microscopic orchid, though invisible to the naked eye, is no different from it’s larger cousin.  This teeny little orchid may perch itself on any number of objects.  They are known to reside upon houseplants (naturally), upper reaches of rooms in our homes and outside our home structures, and inside the cabs of our vehicles for the more adventurous individual.  The auto variety chooses a window view and spends it’s life taking in all the sites and nutrients from travel.  The microscopic orchid pictured above is the travelling kind and lives in our tangerine short bus (Honda Element) and I nearly missed her altogether, but for an ever-so-slight voice I once heard singing along to some music on low.  I was intrigued and started examining the upper portions of my cab to find the source of this lilting small voice and with a magnifying glass, I found this exquisite little creature and took her picture in my mind and drew what I saw:) This is an altered sketch filtered through features on Corel Graphics Suite.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

Here is the sunshine of my mind.  It lights up all those strange little botanical imaginings that grow and crop up in my sketches and gives them the nutrients of fruition from concept to completion.  It, naturally, is a microscopic sun and changes colors at will, a very fickle sun, but consistent in its sunshine.  Sometimes I get art-burn, but there is no permanent damage.  She exists as pictured in my sketchbook, but tomorrow's sun will surely be different and surprising.